Real-time tracking

Real-time insight for operation oversight

Stay connected and in control, ensuring efficient management and improved field operations.

Trusted by 50K+ users to do 1.5M+ tasks daily

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Real-time insight for operation oversight

Stay connected and in control, ensuring efficient management and improved field operations.

Activity monitor

Gain more control as you track key field activities. Track worker locations with active coordinates and timestamps. Capture and analyze the proof of visit through photo documentation and e-signature capture to ensure compliance and task fulfillment. Identify areas for improvement to enhance field workers’ productivity and job success.

Activity monitor

Speed and traffic

MileApp includes a comprehensive analysis of field task speed and traffic patterns across your operation area. Access a comprehensive dashboard of moving speeds, completed tasks, and more. Get flow visualization to gain a deeper understanding of your field task flow.

Speed and traffic


Create seamless integration with a wide range of connected devices and sensors. Monitor critical data points like temperature, door open/close events, fuel levels, and more through the IoT field task sensors. Convert sensor data to enhance the safety and performance of your fleet, teams, and field tasks.


Time estimation

MileApp’s intelligent time estimation capabilities provide precise and agile navigation forecasts by factoring in real-time traffic conditions and optimal route recommendations, resulting in accurate ETAs for field tasks.

Time estimation

Plan vs actual

A comparison tool that allows you to visualize the planned route against the actual route taken by your field task force. Identify any deviations, bottlenecks, or performance issues. Use this data to make informed decisions to optimize future tasks and routes, whether for individual tasks or the entire operation.

Plan vs actual

Delay notification

Receive real-time alerts when field tasks are running behind schedule due to heavy traffic, vehicle issues, or other circumstances. The system will notify you instantly, allowing for quick decisions and rerouting to minimize delays and ensure on-time task completion.

Delay notification

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