Transform business processes into apps with Ease

Build the perfect field app to fit your specific needs without any coding knowledge. Available for iOS and Android.
1.600.000+ daily transactions from 50.000+ users

Library of powerful building blocks

Essential field app components to accurately digitalize your unique business processes


View component provides a centralized preview interface, allowing field teams to review all captured task data and reference information provided by dispatchers, ensuring accuracy and alignment.


The Input component provides a flexible set of field types - text, phone, email, coordinates, address, date, URL, and more - enabling efficient capture of comprehensive job data directly from the field.


The Select component, with dropdown, button, and checkbox options linked to custom master data, enables efficient and accurate data logging from predefined lists for job types, equipment models, checklists, and more.


The Photo component allows field teams to visually document job sites and capture photographic proof of work or delivery, providing irrefutable evidence and transparency.


The Signature component enables capturing customer signatures electronically, streamlining paperwork and ensuring seamless documentation of job approvals and sign-offs.


The Bill component simplifies field service transactions by automatically generating itemized receipts, ensuring transparency and accurate documentation of services rendered and payments collected on-site.


The List component offers flexibility in managing order details and inventory. Users can easily add or reduce quantities of listed items, with the ability to connect to custom master data for accurate product/service information. This streamlines order management and ensures proper tracking of billable items directly from the field.


The Timer component enables field technicians to accurately track and log the duration of tasks performed on site, ensuring proper billing for time-based services and providing valuable data for productivity analysis.

Voice note

The Voice Note component allows field teams to quickly capture audio notes and memos, providing a convenient way to document important details, instructions, or observations while on the job site without the need for typing. Voice notes can enhance communication, facilitate knowledge sharing, and create a more comprehensive record of field activities.
Voice note

Discover more features

Real-time tracking

Stay connected and in control, ensuring efficient management and improved field operations.

Route optimization

Achieve greater efficiency by cutting down on planning time and securing better routes and outcomes, all through MileApp.

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