Pangkas biaya dan waktu pengiriman hingga 20%
MileApp adalah route optimization dengan 16+ parameter yang dapat bantu Anda ciptakan rute paling optimal.
Route optimization yang terhubung dengan data lalu lintas
Pantau kinerja kurir dan driver lewat real-time map
Mendukung konfigurasi advance seperti cross-docking, cold chain, dan integrasi IOT
Melayani 50 ribu+ pengguna dan 1.5 juta+ tugas setiap hari

Lihat demo MileApp
Mengoptimalkan setiap perjalanan
Fitur Inovatif MileApp untuk Logistik yang Lebih Cerdas
Route optimization berbasis AI
Dengan bantuan AI, MileApp dapat membuat rute paling efisien yang bisa pangkas biaya logistik hingga 20%. Route optimization kami juga dapat dikonfigurasi dengan 16+ parameter, sehingga hasilnya bisa disesuaikan dengan ketentuan bisnis Anda.

Real-time tracking
MileApp melacak lokasi driver dan pekerja lapangan Anda secara langsung. Real-time tracking dapat membantu Anda bertindak cepat ketika terjadi masalah dalam operasi lapangan.

Aplikasi lapangan
Rekam bukti foto, tandatangan, dan dokumen lainnya dalam bentuk digital. Eliminasi penggunaan bukti fisik dan manual sehingga data terstruktur rapi, tak mudah hilang, dan sulit dimanipulasi.

Bergabung dengan yang terbaik
Berikut adalah beberapa bukti keunggulan produk dan layanan MileApp
JNE entrusts its operational infrastructure to MileApp to ensure the accuracy and security of the millions of packages sent everyday.
Ridhatullah Hambalillah
Head of Strategic Management, JNE

Since 2022, Tigaraksa has always been able to meet our needs with MileApp. Thank you to the supportive team and responsive team. We are waiting for new features MileApp.
Wawan Suwandi
Project Manager, Tigaraksa Satria

MileApp always fits our needs so that the results are always in line with our expectations.
Donna Istianingrum
Security & Market Safety Sr. Leader, HM Sampoerna

MileApp is very user-friendly. We have never had any problems using it. Accurate real-time monitoring functions facilitate our work as well.
Dempo Satriandu
Logistics Supervisor, SESA

The user-friendliness of MileApp is very helpful for Danone and is very tailored to our specific needs. We feel highly supported.
Beny Jayyid Makruf
Logistics Improvement Manager, Danone

MileApp can be tailored to Orami's needs end-to-end. Now we are able to track our internal and external couriers. MileApp support team is responsive and professional.
Adityanto Didiet
Head of Distribution, Orami

MileApp responds and adapts to Sayurbox's needs, making delivery planning and execution more effective and efficient.
Briliandaru M. Pribadi
Logistics Manager, Sayurbox

MileApp supports us in the route planning and delivery scheduling process. Easy, accurate, and effective. The support team is very cooperative and receptive as well.
Herbert Khel
Logistics Manager, Segari

Lihat demo MileApp